Archive for the ‘teaching’ Category

Edinburgh Art Fair 2015

Tuesday, October 27th, 2015

October 27 2015

Edinburgh Art Fair 2015

In 2 weeks my work will be shown in Scotland in the Edinburgh Art Fair 2015 on the Greenwich Printmakers stand. The same show as at the Affordable Art Fair, Battersea, with a few extra’s as I will have a little more space.

Friday 13th – Sunday 15th November 2015

at the Edinburgh Corn Exchange

The Affordable Art Fair was very good for me in terms of sales, if you are reading this after buying my work at the Fair, I thank you and hope you enjoy living with my work

Between One Breath and The Next.3

Between One Breath and The Next 2015. Sugar lift etching

Laban BA1

Tuesday, September 30th, 2014

30 September 2014

Laban BA1

A wonderful afternoon with Susan Sentler‘s class of BA1 dance students at Laban encouraging mark-making and drawing each other in response to movement

BA1 1s

BA1 4s

BA1 5s

BA1 6 s

BA1 7s

BA1 8s

BA1 9 s

BA1 2s

Fabulous work

Greenwich World Cultural Festival 2014

Wednesday, July 16th, 2014

Wednesday 16 July

Greenwich World Cultural Festival 2014

Eltham Palace

Sunday 20th July  12.30 – 4.30pm

Free entry for all the family to the beautiful grounds of the English Heritage site, Eltham Palace. Enjoy pop-up performances of dance, theatre, music and circus, a vintage ballroom in the Great Hall and creative workshops.

Join Max, Gaby and myself in the Dry Moat to make a clay model to take home, make an origami Crane becoming a part of the International Peace Crane Project and lets Draw Together, all art workshops are for all ages.


Lewisham College, BTEC Dance

Friday, December 13th, 2013

13 December 2013

During the Autumn Term I worked 1 morning a week with the BTEC Dance students at Lewisham College, South London. They were devising short works for the Choreographic Platform examination and performance, I drew them as they progressed through the task.

In my studio, using my drawings of the students as reference I painted a back-drop for their performance of 3 banners, painting directly onto canvas with acrylic.


lewisham 12


I asked the students to draw each other to encourage them to observe movement through a different means and look closer at their peers while they worked.

lewisham drawings

Student’s drawings of each other dancing

In September 2012 I invited Lewisham College BTEC dance students to dance in no format gallery where I had a solo exhibition, they created dances inspired by my work which were performed in the gallery at the end of the week. A video was made of their performance.

More on Summer Shake-Up!

Thursday, August 15th, 2013
summer shake up drawing

Drawing pathways

summer shake up in the park

Greenwich Park

summer shake up path

A sculptural path

summer shake up drawing 2

We made sketch books and at the close of each session I asked everyone to draw something that was special to them during the day

Open Doors, Open Dancing

Saturday, June 22nd, 2013

8th June 2013

Today Greenwich Dance (GDA) opened the doors to the local community for a day of free dance classes Open Doors, Open Dancing, as Greenwich Dance Resident Artist I organized easy going art workshops throughout the day. All ages participated, youngsters drawing the dancers on long sheets on the floor while the class was in progress, older children and adults preferring to use individual sheets of paper.

open doors2 open doors 5 open doors6
open doors8 open doors9 open doors11 open doors12





Drawing the dance class while the dancers danced















Some preferred to sit apart and try collage or drawing from memory






Ballet Class






African Dance Class












We made a Greenwich Dance Gallery




Thomas Tallis School Art and Dance Workshops. Week 4

Saturday, December 3rd, 2011

1st December and 2nd December

Week 4 with Thomas Tallis class 7DS.

Thomas Tallis art/dance project wk 4 In the 1 hour dance class the students work in small groups and start to build on the taught dance, adding their own movements.

Thomas Tallis art/dance project wk 4  Thomas Tallis art/dance project wk 4

Thomas Tallis art/dance project wk 4


Thomas Tallis art/dance project wk 4 The next day in the art class they continue to build up the sculptures with wire.


Thomas Tallis School Art and Dance Workshops. Week 3

Friday, November 25th, 2011

21st November and 24th November 2011

Week 3 with Thomas Tallis class 7DS. Their time with dancer Joe Walkling has come to an end and the children will continue developing their dance with their dance teacher. After running through the dance they made sketch books and drew each other, the drawings are their reference for the sculpture.

drawing each other dancing

Students drawing each other 

In the art room they began to work on their wire sculptures referring to their sketch books.

students sketch book

Sketch books as reference

1 2


Class 7DS begin work on the wire sculptures

I am impressed with the class, they are focussed on the work and considerate to each other.


Thomas Tallis School Art and Dance Workshops. Week 2

Friday, November 18th, 2011

18 November 2011

Dancer Joe Walkling played a dance game with the students, went through the dance with them and they had a go at drawing him while he danced, using charcoal on large sheets of paper.

dance game

Class began with a dance game 

drawings of Thomas Tallis students week 2

Joe running through the dance with the students 

students drawing Joe

Drawing Joe dancing 

students’ drawings students’ drawings 

Next week they will draw each other dancing in preparation for the sculptures they will make.

Thomas Tallis Art and Dance workshops

Friday, November 11th, 2011

First class at Thomas Tallis School with a class of year 7’s in the fabulous new studio in the new school. Dancer Joe Walkling taught a dance phrase to the young students, they worked hard and learnt the dance in the 1 hour lesson. Previously I worked with Joe at The Linbury, Covent Garden, drawing him during rehearsals for Metamorphosis


Thomas Tallis art/dance workshop

Joe Walkling teaching the dance


Thomas Tallis art/dance workshop


Thomas Tallis art/dance workshop

some of my drawings of the students learning the dance