Lewisham College, BTEC Dance

13 December 2013

During the Autumn Term I worked 1 morning a week with the BTEC Dance students at Lewisham College, South London. They were devising short works for the Choreographic Platform examination and performance, I drew them as they progressed through the task.

In my studio, using my drawings of the students as reference I painted a back-drop for their performance of 3 banners, painting directly onto canvas with acrylic.


lewisham 12


I asked the students to draw each other to encourage them to observe movement through a different means and look closer at their peers while they worked.

lewisham drawings

Student’s drawings of each other dancing

In September 2012 I invited Lewisham College BTEC dance students to dance in no format gallery where I had a solo exhibition, they created dances inspired by my work which were performed in the gallery at the end of the week. A video was made of their performance.

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